Saturday, February 4, 2012

Results For 4th Feb

In a low scoring week Tottenham Dave showed his old pedigree by coming tops with 5 points and has now narrowed the gap on long time leader Ivesy to just 2 points. A good proportion of you correctly guessed Gary Mabbut as the hasbeen, although 2 of you plumped for Lou Macari - can´t see it me sen mind. This week´s is top right photo.

2.Tottenham Dave............................78
4.Toffee-Nose Ron..........................75
5.Chelsea Ted..................................73
7.Tall Paul........................................73
8.Forest Nige..................................68
9.Despicable red Yorkie..................66
10.T.J Nicholson.............................65
12.Halifax White..............................60
13.Mackem Clare...........................60

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